Posted in Love Poems

Fate of my heart | Lucky to have you

I am lucky to have you


My heart was like a lock with a lost key

Many keys tried

But none dared to unlock


My heart was like a road without direction

Many tourists visited

But none explored its misdirection


My heart was like a broken mirror

Many were delighted to inspect themselves

But none praised its caliber


My heart was like a dry rose

Many were dazzled by my beauty

But cursed me of baring thorns, discarded me


Finally a day arrived when

My heart was broken into pieces

Though no one could join the broken pieces

You dared to bruise your hands and mend it


Fate took a long time to open bring the bright light

Yet it succeeded to mend my broken heart


Now my heart is like a tender bud

Planted in new soil by the gardener

Who troth to nourish and nurture me till his last.



Hi it's me behind the writings! I write to express myself. Feelings, emotions, heart and not to be forgotten words have inspired me to pour down everything in form of poems and quotes through which I can express my thoughts without any impediment. Music lover, love to read and write. Writing being my passion, Amore Bliss is my small attempt to explore the facets of writing through my thoughts. Happy Reading!

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