Posted in Love Poems

Unexpected Love | Falling in love unexpectedly

unplanned love poems


When I saw you for the first time

Your eyes sparkled and

Presence poured exuberance in the aura

And mine filled with reprisal

Making me feel morose


It bought all the pain of my past

An incident that changed our fate forever


The burning desire within my core

Gave birth to callous

Aspiring to crucify you


Soon the cluster making you our hostage

Making me your ranger

To crush you


Each moment I gave you a fresh wound

Yet you absorbed it whole heartedly


With each new one your endurance took a new toll

Making me a criminal and gifting you the torment


Your expressions innocent and credo

Your serendipity touch felt so placid

Resonating and influencing my transgressions to subside


You summed up like an angel

Who was destined and conformed upon me

To rescue me from the evils of the rancor

And episode a bright sunny day ahead


Eagerly awaiting me to forego

The misdeed

The forthcoming sins

Discriminating the pile of virtue

Disseminating the bitter seeds of agony

And transporting me to a dwelling where

Affection waits to embrace me and

Stars stick around to gift you in my life

To fill the lost fervor

And bind me with blessings forever.




Hi it's me behind the writings! I write to express myself. Feelings, emotions, heart and not to be forgotten words have inspired me to pour down everything in form of poems and quotes through which I can express my thoughts without any impediment. Music lover, love to read and write. Writing being my passion, Amore Bliss is my small attempt to explore the facets of writing through my thoughts. Happy Reading!

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