Posted in Spiritual Poem

A tryst with Vipassana


vipasanna meditation feeling

The mind and present,

seldom walk hand in hand,
like a broken marriage.
Yet the present,
like a curious wife,
sneaks into trance
on the vehicle of my breath
so as to infiltrate
the hazy sanctuary
of my mind .
And in no time,
it has already dwelled deep.

To its surprise,
it finds itself flooded
with irreverent  thoughts.
A redundant belief system where facade travels faster
than reality,
where demons of lust, greed, anger, hatred, jealousy
run havoc unabashedly,
as if a whole new universe has descended
within the psychological borders of the mind.

With deep observation,
the present discovers
the instability,
deeply rooted
in the mind’s ideals.
It wanders in the past,
craves into the future,
only to generate scores of desirable
or undesirable notions.
It simply doesn’t prefer
to stay with the present.

And thus,
slowly and steadily,
through sane breathings,
the mind unfolds itself.
Rays of realization dawns upon self.
The breath,
though harmless in its demeanour,
unties the knots
of past karmas and sankharas,
once created by my misdeeds.
And with every breath,
with every revelation,
the mind is cleansed of all the past sins.

Gross and subtle sensations
across the mortal body.
A free flow occurs
annihilating the evil within
part by part,
piece by piece,
to open the doors
and take a step
towards the divine path of Dhamma.

The process has been unrushed,
yet worth it,
for the mind
and the present
are now married,
happily forever.


Passionate about writing and like experimenting new styles. Love doing collabs.

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