Posted in Breakup Poems

I Still Feel You | Love Break-up Poem


love and break up poem


Oh my love! I still feel you


Each new sunrise reminds me

Of your presence missing around me

Thy sweet voice used to wake me up with cheer


The crack of dawn prompts me

Of your absence encompassing me

When you served me with your love at the breakfast


Every new ray of sunlight recalls me

Of your existence missing around me

Thou placing a peck on my cheeks, waiving me goodbye when I leave for work


Each new dayspring cites me

Of your truancy around me

Giving up your ambitions and career our beloved children and aging parents


Each new day peep points me out

Of your pervasion encircling me

You looked fresh as lilies comforting me during the blues


Each new first light cues me

Of your dispersion catering me

You managed to keep a smile and never complained even when destiny drifted us apart


Each new aurora reminds me

Of your presence missing around me

The day you vanished from my life

With a clause of never turning back


Each moment

Stabbed me

Gave me fresh new scar each thought of yours

Neglected you,

Avoiding your needs

Your desires

Till now

Please come back my love,

For I still feel you

I still love you.

Posted in Breakup Poems

The Split | Break up

Break Up Poem


I am tired of striving for love

Driving for your love


No matter where destiny takes us

I know life won’t let me survive

But your escape will be my might to revive


Thank you for the pain who gave me

I am now sailing in an unknown route of sea

Away from you,

Setting you free

Hoping to throw away my heart’s key


Hope your heart won the long awaited trophy

Skipping all the moments of rosy

You have finally moved towards the shades of smoky

Missing on the best of snowy

Where you can never again feel cozy

Because my boat will depart away from your sight wholly.


Posted in Breakup Poems

Collapsed Love | End of love

goodbye love


After a period of few consecutive years


Their bond was on the verge to expire


Those lovely days-


When their propensity sung lullabies of true love


The walls that encountered their sweet and sour


Corners that were filled with their favorite memento


Will no longer witness their omnipresence amongst them


Blame it on-


Engrossed carriers and affinity towards opposite genders


Made them sell out the devoir which was taken over years


The dispersed pieces of their each season


Are slowly walking towards a huge trunk


Immersing endless stages in the giant and locking away forever


Disqualifying the awaiting pages of their story blank

Posted in Breakup Poems

One Chance| Last Chance

one last chance



Lost in this crowded place

My eyes hunt out for you

Realizing that your presence is just my hallucination

My heart feels flunk


Scorching eyes waiting for your one glimpse

Will burst out all the pain from within

Promising to hold your hand forever

Bitterness will bunk


Leaving you during thick and thin

Was never what I wanted

Blinded folded was my heart

With talks and thoughts

That made our bond sunk


Am I that bad?

That I don’t owe a second chance

Just one chance my love

To assay myself to thee

That you are no more alone

Not in your but our battlefield

I troth, together we would team up

Achieving a triumph stabbing funk

Posted in Breakup Poems

Rotten Love | Walking Away

walking away forever



Recalling the cold night when your hug made me feel warmth

A simple hug that made me sense safety

A hug that repeatedly recited-

“Everything is going be alright baby, don’t you worry!”


Your words never make me low

Positive energy takes in the flow

Every bit of life settles down in the row

Always allowing my face to glow

No matter how much the pain and snow

We are here with our hearts to bow


Dark scars of my past residing in my soul gradually departing

Deep wounds on my heart magically healing

Your amour on my personality perfectly sealing


Setting a picture perfect of our future

Our heart, body and soul ready to nurture

To tame the blistering torture

Breezing in by the menacing creatures


Soon the time of compassion was fading

Fancy situations briefly disappearing

Accommodating a permanent dwelling

Substituting to the seeds of hatred upgrading

Posted in Breakup Poems

Memoir – I still remember



I still remember


I still remember the smell of your fresh cologne

It was when my heart went frozen

I still remember the moment when you worshipped me with devotion

It was when my heart sensed all emotion

I still remember the day when you fulfilled me with ecstasy

It was when my heart chose you its destiny

I still remember the silly and sour fights

It was when my heart attained bitter bites

I still remember the terrible shake

It was when my heart uttered you a fake

I still remember when you said you’re done

It was when my heart whispered I was not his one

Posted in Breakup Poems

Midnight Musings

dream of you



Just when my moisten eyes had just entered slumber

I encounter myself in the midst of a sweet and surprising chimera

The unspoken silence which was stabbing me each day after your retreat

Was all set to spill on the blank paper and take a ride in the empty bottle as my message of solitude

In chase of its destination patiently riding miles away in the infinite waters to land the desired shore

Not just shore, but to the one who truly deserves to know the reason of my fainted heart

A message safely sealed anxious to get delivered and disclose to my beloved

That would break down the mulish-hard iceberg, making your heart feel pride earn its crown back

Marking and making your revival in my life enduringly

It’s when my heart feels delight opening new advent for the long lost hearts

And bring back the rhapsody fusing us back once again which was previously left irrecoverable.

Posted in Breakup Poems



Heart-breaking goodbye



And suddenly my life is like a big hole

I am regretting your presence that made it whole

No one can play better now your role

I can still feel the memories flashing inside me like a camera roll

The way air perfectly placed your hair on my face with just a blew

I no longer can feel all those moments when I am blue

Reign is still fresh when you blushed accepting the rose that I buy

But it is all turned out be nostalgia of an unexpected bye.

Posted in Breakup Poems

That Moment of Euphoria

Break up poem


The words inside my mind are screaming out songs of your departure

Euphoria is when

Words inside my heart are waiting to sing sweet songs of you arrival


Tears have now dried up making me feel corpulent in your absence

Euphoria is when

My eyes fill back in tears pouring out soothing me with your presence


Disappointment crashes the reality of our love journey

Euphoria is when

You choose to bounce back in till eternity


Anguished heart deep dumbstruck feels agony the moment you walked away

Euphoria is when

I see you walking back towards me and my lips find back all those unspoken that will never make your withdraw again


Time is qualifying at its best just like sand from our fists slips away when tried to hold it tight

Euphoria is when

The time will oblige to freeze again and give birth to fresh beginnings of our journey in my dreams


Posted in Breakup Poems, Poems

The unexpected blue

Break-up poem

Once upon a time in the city of love

When the cupid struck opposites got attracted

It was love at first sight for both

One affluent while the other impecunious

Yet never did the hearts felt boastful over their status


His arms were the safest where she felt protected

Placing ears to his core made her hear melodious rhymes

Her love for him was grew unconditionally when he promised to never depart

In her reflection he found a lost mentor to guide him till lifetime


Love was their shelter

During their tryst they sang sweet songs

Those which made them forgive the troubled waters


Soon dark clouds showed up their true colors

Threw scary lightening giving birth to unlikeness

Alarmed storms, pirates took over

Eyes poured pain and hearts felt despair

Promises absorbed in the heavy moisture

Ship of love crashed into pieces

Emotions buried to grave

Hearts banned to reanimate
