Posted in Falling in Love, Poems

A Man


The dubious sun sings a mystic lore.
Winds dance to hymns never sung before.
My eyes stare the lumberjack bodied men,
and kisses their torsos to get a taste of heaven.

Suddenly my knees start acting too frail.
My soul trembles trying to break out of some jail.
I feel better not to fondle a woman’s breasts.
Rather I would caress his manly chest.

A gentleman by birth, he’s the courteous of all.
With a well chiseled body, he stands tall.
I blush incessantly as he talks to me.
But he kills my infatuation with humor and glee.

I wonder how to confess my love for him,
since the fire of acceptance burns expectedly dim.
But who can stop the roaring tides,
the wet dreams of him, the passionate rides?

Being a homosexual is a sin, they say.
On the hazy paths of morality is where they stray.
Love knows no gender,no caste, no creed.
Its all about society’s self righteousness greed.

So I DEFY your orders, O my pseudo brethren.
Not the time for me to hide in my den.
I will love a man, till my last breath.
Leave my freedom alone or gift me death.





Posted in Falling in Love, Love Poems

How to handle your love?

How to handle love
Image credit : chgabriela.files

She’ll sneak into your life out of nowhere, grab your attention like no lady has ever done, make you fall in love with her with just a innocuous smile, debunk your age old beliefs, wreck your heart and resurrect it in her own sweet way.
Allow her to do so. Don’t mess with her work. Just give her all the love, all the care and some patient ears to listen. Stop acting like a James Bond or a Sci fi Superhero. She just needs a man.
She ain’t any cocaine to be felt needy for. So take care of that. The more you chase her, the more she’ll rebel. Let her come to you at her own pace. Once she’s assured of the comfort, all things shall be blissful as before.
Never ever consider her as a weakling. She’s a woman, not a timid lamb. You may see her breaking down time and again, but believe me, she’s way stronger than 10 men put together when dealing with situations. Just hug her, plant a peck on her forehead and gift her some positivity. Make her realize the strength of her femininity and you’ll see her rising from the ashes.
Love is no rocket science, my friend. It just requires constant nurture to let the creeper of love grow eternally.
Love isn’t complicated, we humans make it look so.

C Kumar

Posted in Falling in Love

Love In Rain | Let’s fall in love

falling in love with you



That moment was just so perfect

When our hearts found a reason to connect


Walking on the beach hand in hand

Our feet imprinted ideally on sand


Sun softly kissing our faces

Our fingers wandering for right traces


Quickly disappears the nature’s brightness

Welcoming the clouds filled with darkness


Air caressing tangles of my hair

Your eyes enjoying the gag with a flare


Thundering aura fills me with scare

My core says you will take care


Our shanks ally together for a shelter

Only to make me feel more better


My spine pours in sudden cold chills

Your touch soothes me with calm refills


Without any much delay we feel showers of rain

Signaling our brain

To enter the reign

Granting our lips to fain

In order to let the love make a gain.