Posted in Sad Love poems

Unrequited Love | One sided love

one sided love poems for her



Last night

She said-“ Yes, I am in love

Tomorrow I will tell you

Meet me at sharp at 9 a.m.”

My heart pounced as never before

Full of excitement, nervousness


Everyone knew

We both are more than friends

Yet never realized


The day I conceived falling for her

My core felt mirth

Afraid to lose her as she was my bestie

Though she knew I liked her more than a friend

But she never asked about it

I decided to stay quiet

And let her grasp this feeling


The wait was about to end and

The day finally arrived

The sun smiling brightly

Yes, today she will confess me those 3 magical words


I was so excited, that I reached the said venue before time at 8:45 a.m.

My heart ticks each second like the tick of a watch

At 9 I see her walking towards me

Bouquet in her hand and a big bright smile on her face

My heart seems to be on cloud nine

Singing and dancing as if no one is watching me


The moment she reaches me

She bursts out in happiness

Greets me, hugs me

Making it special for me

Finally she says- “I am in love”

The time has come I need to tell the person too


Behind her I see another man calling her name out loudly-“Ria”

She turned back and ran towards him

Hugged him, kissed him and said those magical words


I was dumbstruck!

She confessed her love

But not to me

She loved someone else

Then what was all that last night?

Why did she call me and asked me to meet?


Perceiving reality

She walks back towards me

This time holding hand in hand of that man

Whom she just confessed her love


Introduced me, Ricky meet Melvin

The love and man of my life

Melvin wanted to meet you and invite you for our wedding

And be his groomsman at our wedding

I wanted to tell her no
but somehow I couldn’t refuse their request


Melvin bowed on his knees with a ring and asked to marry him

Allowing her hand ahead she said yes and accepted the ring on her finger


My heart cried from within yet gave a big smile for her

She walked away with him

I was still standing there wishing she would turn around and come back to me

But I guess it was just one sided love that is hurting me the most

My heart feels pain yet can’t think of stealing away her happiness.


Posted in Sad Love poems

A While Back | Love Lost Forever

you lost her forever


Once upon a time

You were the reason my heart felt the need to rock

Your aloha has caused my world to a season of shock


Once upon a time

You were the delight to add taste in my life

Your aloha has caused plight causing a rife


Once upon a time

You were a complete package of surprise

Your aloha has caused bleat of reprise


Once upon a time

You were a shower of blessing on me

Your aloha has caused stressing gee


Once upon a time

Your presence was a perfect momentum

Your aloha has caused correct symptom


Once upon a time

You crowned our bond with a sweet angel

Your aloha has caused a standstill beyond hell


Once upon a time

Your trace was strong as wildfire

Your aloha to the blue defaced our kingdom to afire.


Posted in Cheating poem

The Deceit | Cheated and betrayed

cheated in love



Days in days out

I felt your love was an antidote


Comforting me like a drop of nectar

After gasping from bitterness of my past


Nemesis struck,

The day I discovered you

With her on our substance of fancy

Pouring on her my share of intimacy


Releasing the anchor of our ship

All I now visualize is you are sailing into her yacht

To uncover camouflage world of your fantasies


Unleashing the ship of our lost and found love

In the midst of infinite sea

Without any direction

Letting to collide with iceberg

To sink deep into the bed of sea

Isolating me to turn into a corpse.