Posted in The Proposal Story

The sweet and irresistible proposal | The proposal

surprise proposal story



The other day we were walking on beach

Holding hand in hand

We kept on walking

Towards an never ending road


It is when she angled my memory about her gaiety

Perpetually she cued me about her birthday

And asked me what would be the surprise gift?


To keep the jolt under wraps I always ignored

Her excitement to sunken whenever she popped up

With the same question

That was because I wanted to give her the best of the tribute for a lifetime


Observing my ignorance over the same topic

She was disappointed with me by now and

Hence she completely terminated her question

Over the gift and the day she was born- her birthday


Days passed and she was quiet

Deep inside her heart was a huge piece of sadness

Yet I was at ease and peace


I wanted my queen to feel all the joy and happiness

After clouds of despair


Finally the day arrived

When I pleaded her to meet me and forgive me

She granted to endorse me

When the clock struck sharp 8 at night

I see my queen dressed to kill me in blood red

Walking towards me

The attire perfectly accommodating and filling

All her curves at each level of her carcass


It is now I bow down on my knees

Presenting her a bouquet of rosette

In one hand

And a jittery sapphire in the other

I ask – “will you marry me”?

Dumbstruck with the whole marvel

I see her fumbling for words

And her eyes speaking each word loudly

Than ever with bright pearls pouring out


Ascertaining reality she now says-“Yes, I will”

Adding up-“this is indeed my best gift ever

Thank you so much for the best day of my life”

Her awaiting finger ready to welcome and embrace the bright stone

Who appeared in a dire need to be placed on her finger

Accepting us to be with her durably