Posted in Writer collabs

Folk Story


her story

Image Courtesy:


The ghost of the past still haunts her,
Thrashing away the present moment
Only to let the ghost of the present haunt you again in future.
She urged to bury the past before it ruins her fairytale.
But then how can she bury something that is still alive in her heart?
Until she won’t lay away her past to rest, her heart will hold on to grudges which can break the new bonds and afresh dawn.
But she continues to live in the grudges held by the mind against him as it keeps on scratching the healed scars again and again.
An unexpected dawn shall soon bring her prince charming and take her to a wonderland where such grudges would no longer matter but only the willingness to feel the love again will.
Maybe the fairytale she once wished for is about to happen right in front of her eyes. After the rain of pain, her sun of happiness shall shine along with the colors of love and care in the form of him, her rainbow.

Collab by Mitali Shah and Prashansa Khanna 


Posted in Writer collabs

Fate of My Pen

old diaries in trunk

Image Courtesy :

Ages after
I entered the dark room
where the locked trunk
laid aside in a corner,
dust and spidies had made their home.
But, for me it was my first love.
Soon I opened the trunk to see
the locked ones flush my face.
I smell them and pick them up.
They were all those
diaries which were never left alone
when words were my only muse.
Yet I failed to pen each verse as it was meant to be
longing to spill out the unspoken.
Something was definitely amiss.
Suddenly I bumped into a hunk
whose company changed my mind.
The way I interpreted
everything changed overnight.
I felt like I got a new life.
He turned out to be the reason of my pen,
the season of my words.
My past scars were the reason I failed,
failed to have found any good in the bye.
But now no more was I a frail soul, thanks to him.
Just his company,
his soothing words,
would help me sleep in peace.
His affection was much more than an attraction.
The fairy tale love types;
All it took for me was less than a fraction
to decide the fate of my pen that lead me here back
to him.

Collab by Mitali Shah and Vidhi Shah